Informatii noi dupa amanarea concertului Riverside si SoundArt Festival 2020
Dupa impunerea noilor restrictii legate de adunarile publice din 11.03.2020, organizatorii celor doua evenimente amanate, concertul Riverside si SoundArt Festival 2020, revin cu cateva precizari legate de reprogramari, dar si informatii despre posibilitatea returnarii biletelor:
Concertul Riverside:
- am inceput discutiile cu trupa pentru a decide noua data a concertului. Incercam sa alegem o data care sa nu fie prea indepartata si sa ne asigure tuturor siguranta ca lucrurile se vor linisti vizavi de situatia COVID-19, concertul desfasurandu-se in conditii normale;
- in cazul biletelor exista doua variante, le puteti returna sau le puteti pastra pentru viitorul concert;
- daca noua data a concertului nu se potriveste cu programul dumneavoastra veti avea in continuarea posibilitatea de a returna biletele;
- in momentul in care va vom aduce la cunostinta noua data, vanzarea biletelor va fi repornita;
SoundArt Festival 2020:
- ne apropiem de finalizarea discutiilor cu cei de la Green Carnation pentru o noua data;
- inainte de a va anunta noua data, urmeaza o runda de discutii cu restul de trupe care urmau sa participe in cadrul SoundArt Festival 2020 pentru a vedea cate dintre ele pot fi reprogramate;
- puteti pastra biletele pentru Ziua II a festivalului pentru putea avea acces la concertul Green Carnation;
- daca noua data a concertului nu se potriveste cu programul dumneavoastra veti avea in continuarea posibilitatea de a returna biletele;
- in momentul in care vom anunta noua data, vanzarea biletelor va fi repornita;
- recomandam returnarea abonamentelor, biletelor din ziua I si ziua a III-a. Asta nu inseamna ca nu incercam sa reprogramam cat mai multe trupe pentru noua/noile date, ci doar ca va dura ceva mai mult;
Returnarea biletelor pentru cele doua evenimente se face prin platforma de ticketing iabilet.ro, accesand procedura de pe https://www.iabilet.ro/anulare
Dorim sa va multumim pentru rabdare si intelegere, lucram intens impreuna cu trupele si partenerii nostri pentru a reprograma aceste concerte.
La finalul acestei informari va lasam un mesaj din partea celor de la Green Carnation:
“It has been a challenging from a few days for everybody in (and outside of) the music business in Europe and far beyond. We had been looking so much forward to headlining the SoundArt Festival in Bucharest in just a few days, and participating with an album presentation on the Prognosis Festival next weekend. Both festivals have now been cancelled, together with a crazy number of shows and tours and festivals all over the world.
We would like to send our sincere wishes of luck to the people behind the music all over the world, the people that help the bands being able to travel around, sharing our music to old and new fans every single day and every year.
We would like to ask you, the audience, to be patient, and trust that these people are doing everything they can to not let down the people that have bought tickets to events they are suddenly not able to give you.
And we would also like to send a message of respect to our colleagues that are much more affected by the situation than we are. Bands and artists that have invested incredible amounts of time and effort in something that is now vanishing right in front of them. We will all come back even stronger!
As for us, we are now hoping that our scheduled shows in April and May goes ahead as planned, and will give you information as soon as possible if we hear there will be changes in our plans. When it comes to the show in Romania, we will be trying to make that happen sometime in the near future, when the world gets back to normal.
Take care of yourselves, take care of each other, and feel free to discuss your frustrations and hopes underneath (FB post).
Kjetil, Tchort, Stein Roger, Bjørn, Kenneth, Jonathan.”